
Data Visualization

Link to the Github Pages website hosting the slides for this repo.

Data Visualization Slides

Version 1

Course Duration

3 Hours

Course Summary

This course introduces students to the grammar of graphics and building a plot using ggplot2.

Course Objective

Students will become familiar with how a plot is built using ggplot learn to customise and create different plots.

Lead Developer

Laurie Baker

Course Reviewer(s)

Richard Leyshon

Intended Audience

Students familiar with R wishing to advance their data visualisation skills.

Learning Objective Detail

At the end of the course, participants will:-

Course Type (Fixed length list.)

Skill Level


Pre requisite summary

Students should have completed the course Introduction to R. A recent version of R and RStudio. Packages: tidyverse, gapminder, leaflet.


These slides are an updated version of gadenbuieā€™s gentle introduction to ggplot2.