HW 01 - Pet names

Meet the toolkit

Photo by Jovana Askrabic on Unsplash Photo by Jovana Askrabic on Unsplash

The goal of this assignment is to introduce you to R, Posit, Git, and GitHub, which you’ll be using throughout the course both to learn the data science concepts discussed in the course and to analyze real data and come to informed conclusions.

Getting started


This assignment assumes that you have reviewed the lectures titled “Meet the toolkit: Programming” and “Meet the toolkit: version control and collaboration”. If you haven’t yet done so, please pause and complete the following before continuing.


We’ve already thrown around a few new terms, so let’s define them before we proceed.

Starting slow

As the course progresses, you are encouraged to explore beyond what the assignments dictate; a willingness to experiment will make you a much better programmer! Before we get to that stage, however, you need to build some basic fluency in R. First, we will explore the fundamental building blocks of all of these tools.

Before you can get started with the analysis, you need to make sure you:

If you failed to confirm any of these, it means you have not yet completed the prerequisites for this assignment. Please go back to Prerequisites and complete them before continuing the assignment.


For each assignment in this course you will start with an assignment link which will take you to a GitHub repo that contains the starter documents you will build upon when working on your assignment.

The first step is always to bring these files into Posit so that you can edit them, run them, view your results, and interpret them. This action is called cloning.

Then you will work in Posit on the data analysis, making commits along the way (snapshots of your changes) and finally push all your work back to GitHub.

The next few steps will walk you through the process of getting information of the repo to be cloned, cloning your repo in a new Posit Cloud project, and getting started with the analysis.

Step 1. Get URL of repo to be cloned

Github repo code pane: navigate to code, select https, click clipboard to clone

On GitHub, click on the green Code button, select HTTPS (this might already be selected by default, and if it is, you’ll see the text Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL jas in the image on the right). Click on the clipboard icon 📋 to copy the repo URL.

Step 2. Go to Posit Cloud

Go to posit.cloud and then navigate to the course workspace via the left sidebar. It’s very important that you do this for two reasons:

Before you proceed, confirm that you are in the course workspace by checking out what’s on your top bar in Posit Cloud.

Step 3. Clone the repo

In Posit, click on the down arrow next to New Project and then choose New Project from Git Repository.

In the pop-up window, paste the URL you copied from GitHub, make sure the box for Add packages from the base project is checked (it should be, by default) and then click OK.

Hello Posit!

Posit is comprised of four panes.

Introducing yourself to git: setting up your personal access token.

Once you’ve opened up Posit Cloud, we will want to introduce set up our personal access token, these replaced passwords in 2021. If you have already done this in the lab, skip ahead to step 6. Our personal access token will connect our project to our github account. This is perhaps the most tedious part of the process as you have to (re)introduce yourself to git every time you make a new project.

In the console (lower left panel in Posit), run the following code:

library(usethis) # Load the package

Note that before git is connected it will show that there is no personal access token <unset>.

Step 1: Open page to make personal access token

To add a token we can run the following code in the console:


Step 2: Add description and update expiry date

Add a description (e.g. course name) and update the expiry date to never expire. This will mean that it does not need to be updated during the course.

Step 4: Generate the token

Aside from the description and expiry date, you can leave the other default settings.

Step 5: Copy and save generated token

Copy and save your generated token by clicking on the clipboard symbol. Keep your token somewhere you can find it later, like in a text file in your course folder. Note that for more sensitive projects you might consider using a password manager.

Step 6: Set github credentials

Now we’re ready to set our github credentials.

Step 7: Recheck git credentials.

Now, you’ll notice that it says that the personal access token has been discovered.

Note that for future projects you can skip directly to Step 6. You do not need to generate a personal access token each time.

Warm up

Before we introduce the data, let’s warm up with some simple exercises.

The top portion of your R Markdown file (between the three dashed lines) is called YAML. It stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language”. It is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. All you need to know is that this area is called the YAML (we will refer to it as such) and that it contains meta information about your document.

Step 1. Update the YAML

Open the R Markdown (Rmd) file in your project, change the author name to your name, and knit the document.

Step 2: Commit

Then go to the Git pane in your Posit.

You should see that your Rmd (R Markdown) file and its output, your md file (Markdown), file are listed there as recently changed files.

Next, click on Diff. This will pop open a new window that shows you the difference between the last committed state of the document and its current state that includes your changes. If you’re happy with these changes, click on the checkboxes of all files in the list, and type “Update author name” in the Commit message box and hit Commit.

You don’t have to commit after every change, this would get quite cumbersome. You should consider committing states that are meaningful to you for inspection, comparison, or restoration. Your commits will be the trail of breadcrumbs you leave in your analysis that allow you to retrace your steps. Version control is about tracking who made what change and why. Your github account capture the who, your commit message should capture what was done and when it is not obvious from the commit message, also the why. If someone were to rerun the code committed, the message should describe what that code will do.

Your messages should follow the guidance from the blog post, seven rules of a great GIT commit message, to construct your message. In this course we will be mainly using rules 3-5, but you might be interested in reading about the others.

In the first few assignments we will tell you exactly when to commit and in some cases, what commit message to use. As the semester progresses we will let you make these decisions.

Thought Exercise: Why follow rules? Why can’t I write whatever I want?2 There’s nothing stopping you from writing what you want in a commit message. Following shared rules and standards provide consistency and promote clarity and shared understanding allowing your future self and collaborators to understand what was done and why.

Step 3. Push

Now that you have made an update and committed this change, it’s time to push these changes to the web! Or more specifically, to your repo on GitHub. Why? So that others can see your changes. And by others, we mean the course teaching team (your repos in this course are private to you and us, only). In order to push your changes to GitHub, click on Push.

This will prompt a dialogue box where you first need to enter your user name, and then your personal access token (PAT). This might feel cumbersome. I recommended keeping your PAT somewhere handy on your computer like on a sticky note on your desktop so it is easy to access.

Thought exercise: Which of the above steps (updating the YAML, committing, and pushing) needs to talk to GitHub?3 Only pushing requires talking to GitHub, this is why you’re asked for your password at that point.


R is an open-source language, and developers contribute functionality to R via packages. In this assignment we will use the following packages:

We use the library() function to load packages. In your R Markdown document you should see an R chunk labelled load-packages which has the necessary code for loading both packages. You should also load these packages in your Console, which you can do by sending the code to your Console by clicking on the Run Current Chunk icon (green arrow pointing right icon).

Note that these packages are also get loaded in your R Markdown environment when you Knit your R Markdown document.


The city of Seattle, WA has an open data portal that includes pets registered in the city. For each registered pet, we have information on the pet’s name and species. The data used in this exercise can be found in the openintro package, and it’s called seattlepets. Since the dataset is distributed with the package, we don’t need to load it separately; it becomes available to us when we load the package.

You can view the dataset as a spreadsheet using the View() function. Note that you should not put this function in your R Markdown document, but instead type it directly in the Console, as it pops open a new window (and the concept of popping open a window in a static document doesn’t really make sense…). When you run this in the console, you’ll see the following data viewer window pop up.


You can find out more about the dataset by inspecting its documentation (which contains a data dictionary, name of each variable and its description), which you can access by running ?seattlepets in the Console or using the Help menu in Posit to search for seattlepets.


The ✏️ symbol is a reminder to write a written response discussing the questions in the exercises.

  1. ✏️ According to the data dictionary, how many pets are included in this dataset?

🧶 ✅ ⬆️ Write your answer in your R Markdown document under Exercise 1, knit the document, commit your changes with a commit message that says “Complete Exercise 1”, and push. Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.

  1. ✏️ Again, according to the data dictionary, how many variables do we have for each pet?

🧶 ✅ ⬆️ Write your answer in your R Markdown document under Exercise 1, knit the document, commit your changes with a commit message that says “Complete Exercise 2”, and push. Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.

  1. ✏️ What are the three most common pet names in Seattle? To do this you will need to count the frequencies of each pet name and display the results in descending order of frequency so that you can easily see the top three most popular names. The following code does exactly that. Don’t just rely on the output, but write our your answer of what the three most common pet names are.

The two lines of code can be read as “Start with the seattlepets data frame, and then count the animal_names, and display the results sorted in descending order. The”and then” in the previous sentence maps to %>%, the pipe operator, which takes what comes before it and plugs it in as the first argument of the function that comes after it.

seattlepets %>%
  count(animal_name, sort = TRUE)

🧶 ✅ ⬆️ Write your answer in your R Markdown document under Exercise 3. In this exercise you will not only provide a written answer but also include some code and output. You should insert the code in the code chunk provided for you, knit the document to see the output, and then write your narrative for the answer based on the output of this function, and knit again to see your narrative, code, and output in the resulting document. Then, commit your changes with a commit message that says “Complete Exercise 3”, and push. Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.

Let’s also look to see what the most common pet names are for various species. For this we need to first group_by() the species, and then do the same counting we did before.

Looks like many of those NAs were cats. Poor unnamed kitties…

seattlepets %>% 
  group_by(species) %>%
  count(animal_name, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 16,823 × 3
## # Groups:   species [4]
##   species animal_name     n
##   <chr>   <chr>       <int>
## 1 Cat     <NA>          406
## 2 Dog     Lucy          337
## 3 Dog     Charlie       306
## 4 Dog     Bella         249
## 5 Dog     Luna          244
## 6 Dog     Daisy         221
## # ℹ 16,817 more rows

But this output isn’t exactly what we wanted. We wanted to know the most common cat and dog names, but there are barely any cats present in this output! This is because there are more dogs than cats in the dataset overall. We can confirm this by counting the various species in the data.

6 pigs in the city? Ok… But we’ll continue with cats and dogs.

seattlepets %>%
  count(species, sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   species     n
##   <chr>   <int>
## 1 Dog     35181
## 2 Cat     17294
## 3 Goat       38
## 4 Pig         6

Let’s search for the top 5 cat and dog names. To do this, we can use the slice_max() function. The first argument in the function is the variable we want to select the highest values of, which is n. The second argument is the number of rows to select, which is n = 5 for the top 5. It may be a bit confusing that both of these are n, but this is because we already have a variable called n in the data frame.

seattlepets %>% 
  group_by(species) %>%
  count(animal_name, sort = TRUE) %>% 
  slice_max(n, n = 5)
## # A tibble: 53 × 3
## # Groups:   species [4]
##   species animal_name     n
##   <chr>   <chr>       <int>
## 1 Cat     <NA>          406
## 2 Cat     Luna          111
## 3 Cat     Lucy          102
## 4 Cat     Lily           86
## 5 Cat     Max            83
## 6 Dog     Lucy          337
## # ℹ 47 more rows
  1. ✏️ Based on the previous output we can easily identify the most common cat and dog names in Seattle, but the output is sorted by n (the frequencies) as opposed to being organized by the species. Build on the pipeline to arrange the results so that they’re arranged by species first, and then n. This means you will need to add one more step to the pipeline, and you have two options: arrange(species, n) or arrange(n, species). You should try both and discuss which one organizes the output by species and then ranks the names in order of frequency for each species.

🧶 ✅ ⬆️ Write your answer in your R Markdown document under Exercise 4. In this exercise you’re asked to complete the code provided for you. You should insert the code in the code chunk provided for you, knit the document to see the output, and then write your narrative for the answer based on the output of this function, and knit again to see your narrative, code, and output in the resulting document. Then, commit your changes with a commit message that says “Complete Exercise 4”, and push. Make sure to commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards.

The following visualization plots the proportion of dogs with a given name versus the proportion of cats with the same name. The 20 most common cat and dog names are displayed. The diagonal line on the plot is the \(x = y\) line; if a name appeared on this line, the name’s popularity would be exactly the same for dogs and cats.

  1. ✏️ What names are more common for cats than dogs? The ones above the line or the ones below the line? Discuss.
  2. ✏️ Is the relationship between the two variables (proportion of cats with a given name and proportion of dogs with a given name) positive or negative? What does this mean in context of the data? Discuss.

🧶 ✅ ⬆️ Now is a good time to commit and push your changes to GitHub with an appropriate commit message (Verb first and present tense, e.g. Add X or Complete X). Commit and push all changed files so that your Git pane is cleared up afterwards. Make sure that your last push to the repo comes before the deadline. You should confirm that what you committed and pushed are indeed in your repo that we will see by visiting your repo on GitHub.